Magnesium, A Highly Reactive Mineral That In Excess May Send You Running…


Fast To Meet, YOUR TOILET!

When taken in excess, magnesium exhibits a strong laxative effect on most individuals. It does this in two ways. First, it journeys down your intestines, pulling large amounts of water out of your blood. This water cascades down your intestinal tract, diluting the high amount of magnesium and looking for the closest exit. That exit door is your colon. Magnesium, also has a thing for increasing the rhythm of your bowels, encouraging the release of their contents. Great when you are constipated, but not recommended on first dates.


Magnesium Used In Fireworks

Outside of our bodies, this mineral is extremely reactive and burns with a brilliant intense light. This is why it is one of the main ingredients in flares, used for emergencies. It also plays a major role in Epsom salts (body soaking), fertilizer and in some antacids.

In addition to calcium, magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for human essence. This spark of life is part of over 300 enzymes (protein machinery in our cells) that carry out essential biochemical reactions to yield energy production.

sparkof life

Tag, Your It!!!

Magnesium is responsible for both normal heart rhythm and regulating blood pressure. It prevents arrhythmias (abnormal heart beats), helps boost HDL (good cholesterol), lessens the chance of angina by decreasing spasms of the coronary arteries and keeps blood vessels healthy.

It has been found that in areas with hard water (high mineral content including magnesium) there is a decreased incidence of stroke and heart attack. Magnesium has also been used as adjunct therapy to help lower blood pressure.


That Explosive Spark In Your Hard Water-Hopefully Magnesium, Not Fracking

Diabetes risk increases with low magnesium levels. The use of insulin in the body to put blood sugar in its respective places needs magnesium to work properly. Research shows that some patients with diabetes may benefit with magnesium supplementation.

Scientists have found that calcium and vitamin work with magnesium to create and maintain strong bones and teeth. Magnesium deficiency will weaken the role of both calcium and vitamin D in laying down new bone and enamel.

Most Americans don’t consume enough magnesium in the diet. Daily intake should be 320 mg for females and 420 mg for males. Older people usually have lower levels of the mineral because they eat less and absorb less.

Foods rich in magnesium include whole grains, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, beans, fish, avocado, tofu, yogurt, leafy greens, corn and dark chocolate.

Do not take a magnesium supplement daily unless you are monitored by a health care professional. Reason being, minerals interact with each other. Take too much supplemental magnesium over time, calcium will become imbalanced as well as other minerals.

You are at high risk of magnesium deficiency if you have uncontrolled diabetes, drink heavily, taking proton pump inhibitors, or have a GI disorder like IBS (inflammatory bowel syndrome).

The priority is to get any essential nutrient like magnesium from our diets. With food, you get a natural balance of other minerals that Mother Nature intended to keep us healthy and regular.

Categories: Health

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