Renovating Your Mind Is Renovating My Life


Many people have asked me why I keep writing these articles. I love doing this stuff. You learn something absolutely fascinating every single day. It feels so good to share what I have discovered with my viewing world. Thank you for subscribing to Renovating Your Mind. Thank you for just stopping by to take a look.This is the first time in my professional career as a pharmacist, that I cannot find a job. Meaning, not even a part-time job with zilch benefits. Imagine all these students graduating from pharmacy school, after six expensive years, and many will not find jobs. How will they pay off their student loans? How will they be able to live independently on their own? What will happen to the pay scale for pharmacists as supply continues to exceed demand? Pharmacy schools continue to graduate all these brilliant young people with no placement of a position in the “real world.”

Please make sure you are able to intern with an employer that will promise a full-time position with benefits. Search for employment before you even start school. Build that umbilical bond with the business owner so that you will have a career after graduation. A friend of mine has kept his head above water in N.J., with two pharmacies under his belt. He is a smart, ambitious guy with connections, but that could also be you. Best bet going forward in this economic environment is to be self-employed. You can do it!

Look at all your options before you decide on starting pharmacy school. Calculate all costs of education and time involved in achieving your license. Ask the college for statistics on their recent graduating class’s employment positions.

This same scenario is also going on with other health care professionals including nurses and physicians. College and graduate school is no longer a guarantee of a job.

How can schools throughout the country get away with graduating so many students knowing full well that the many will not locate full-time jobs. Simply put, it’s all about the money. That is why pharmacists must act like a nurses and give injections. The profit margins are so much higher on giving those shots than filling prescriptions. They get no increase in their pay checks. What they do get is increased stress, higher liability and more job fragmentation. Most companies don’t really care about their associates because it’s all about the money. Priorities in business are all about the stock price, increasing quarterly/yearly figures at any costs and how much more the executives can earn next year.

Please take a look at what type of jobs this economy is generating and you will see ranges that go from the minimum rate to about $12.50 per hour. Subtract all your taxes, unemployment, medical/dental benefits and what are you left with to live on?

An interesting article recently released from CNBC thru Yahoo Finance:

Wally World And Mickey D’s Pays Such Low Wages Because They Can.

Renovating Your Mind also wrote about WalMart last year:

WalMart, I Feel Your Pain And It Ain’t Hurting You, It’s Your Employees!

Remember we continue to support these major corporation’s employees with food stamps, utility/ rent subsidies and government/medical assistance. It is no fault of the employees. Just like us they are paying their taxes. Companies are allowed to put out a tip cup for their employees. The government forces us to fill that cup by diverting some of our tax money to make up what the corporations refuse to do morally for their own associates.

Here is to wishing that more people start standing up for what’s right. Patronize the employers that treat their employees with respect. It’s the only thing that makes sense for a better world. Think about it.

Corporate America is not the answer to our economic problems. The government is not the answer to our economic problems. Take a look in the mirror. You just saw the answer. Act on it!

Tips To Start You On Your Path:

Start a blog on WordPress

seth godin life-chseth godin-life-changing-career-author-speaker

    • Read Seth Godin. Google him. Make him your new best friend.
    • Check out his book, Lynchpin on Amazon:

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?

“A  journey of 1,000 miles begins with the first step.”


Photo credit: Andrew Mason / / CC BY

Categories: Health

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2 replies

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